About Tobacco > Tobacco related to marriage

Tobacco related to marriage

Many ethnic groups in the world have a custom of smoking as a medium in their marriage and love. These behaviors may be seen in the love of love, or in the ceremony.

Myanmar: Cigarette Marks

When the young men and women of the Chi ethnic group in Myanmar talked about love, the girl used the mark on the cigarette to express her heart implicitly.

There are more than a dozen common tokens. For the average guest, the cigarette rolls are wrapped in white paper and white strings; the white line around the cigarettes indicates that "you are too young for me"; the three lines around the white line means "you have a woman, I need to ignore you." "With a green line, I mean "I want to be close to you"; with a yellow line, "I miss you very much"; with a red line, "I hate you"; with a black line, "I don't love you"; with a blue line "Come over, I can see you"; use hair to say "You can date me anytime", or "I want to see you alone"; fold the corner of the paper inward and then fold it outward It means "I am affectionate about you, but it is difficult to open"; the side of the cigarette paper is folded inwardly to mean "I have feelings for you, but I’m shy to speak."

India: cigarettes wrapped around the line for marriage

In the Heni of India, if a man falls in love with a girl, he brings a bag of tobacco to the girl's house. After talking with her for a while, she gives the tobacco to her and does her housework. The girl sits quietly, observes his performance, and decides whether to agree on the silk thread on a homemade cigarette.

Blue means fell in love at first sight; white means wait and see; red means rejection; if a cigarette is wrapped around a girl's own hair, it means that the girl is accepting. The man wants to know if the girl agree to marry, just look at the thread and it will be clear.

Netherlands: Proposal with cigars

Among some people in the Netherlands, cigars are used as a medium for marriage.

After the young man fell in love with a girl, he brought a cigar to her house and knocked on the door. After the door was opened, the girl gave him a lighter. Then the young man knocked on the door for the second time, if the girl’s parents opened the door, they said that the girl liked him and had the discussion prior with the parents. Then, invite him into the house and have a further discussion. The second knock on the door, if not opened, means that the girl has declined on him.